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How Duct Cleaning Improves Your Air Conditioning Efficiency

Monday, August 6th, 2018 at 11:00 am

Duct-CleaningKeeping your air conditioner healthy isn’t the only thing you should be concerned about this summer. The air conditioner could be functioning just fine, and you could still lose a lot of money on inefficient cooling. Preventive maintenance can increase the energy efficiency of the air conditioner by up to 40%, but there are also other ways that you can ensure your climate control system operates as smoothly as possible. One of the better ways to improve your air conditioner efficiency outside of preventive maintenance is to schedule duct cleaning.

The Ducts and Your Climate Control

People often ignore the ducts in their home, focusing instead on the air conditioning and heating systems as the sources of their climate control. While this is true, it’s also true that the ducts serve a very important role in keeping your climate control systems operating. They are like the lungs of your home, serving as the primary pathways by which air is moved around the home. This makes neglecting them a bad thing to do, if you care about your HVAC efficiency.

Ducts often serve as a trap for dust, dirt, pollen, dander, and all the other nasty little particulates floating around in the average home’s air supply. While these contaminants are normally spread out enough as to not be much of a problem (outside of allergy attacks) collecting in the ducts makes them more problematic. That much junk building up in the ducts can actually insulate them from the inside, restricting the airflow and requiring your systems to work harder to push air around the house. This means that your air conditioner will have to work for longer periods of time to accomplish the same temperature changes, costing you more money from month to month. That’s why it’s so important to have your ducts cleaned out at least once every few years. A little dust can do a lot of damage if it happens to be in your ducts.

The Benefits of Duct Cleaning

Duct cleaning is often done to improve indoor air quality, and it can certainly do that too. However, it will also improve your air conditioner’s energy efficiency by cleaning out all of that gross detritus clogging up the system. If you have your ducts cleaned out every year or two, you will notice a marked improvement in both your air quality and your system’s cost efficiency. We highly recommend that you consult with a professional about having your ducts cleaned this season if you’ve never had it done before or it’s been a while since you last had it done. Trust us when we say that it is definitely worth doing, both for your health and your wallet.

Climate Masters provides a full range of duct cleaning services in St. Augustine, FL. If you want to improve your air conditioning efficiency and your indoor air quality at the same time, contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our professional technicians. We’ll make sure that you get the most out of your air conditioning system this season.

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