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Do UV Germicidal Lights Help with Biological Contaminants?

Monday, May 18th, 2015 at 11:00 am

Viruses and bacteria are tricky little particles. Not only are they very small, making them hard to catch with mechanical air filters, but they also reproduce. If you have concerns about biological contaminants in your home, which can include things like mold and mildew growth, you may want to consider the installation of UV germicidal lighting, also known as UV lighting. Why is UV lighting more effective than an air filter? We’ll explain more about that below, but to gain any benefits from an indoor air quality product, it’s always in your best interest to hire a trained expert to perform installation and service. The specialists at Climate Masters can seamlessly integrate any upgrades to your air conditioning system, including UV lights – simply give us a call and schedule an appointment.

How They Work

UV germicidal lights work by emitting UV-C rays. These rays have the capability to destroy the life-sustaining proteins of the biological organism while also kinking the DNA at the same time. The result is that the cell can no longer survive, nor can it reproduce. However, UV lights work very differently from other air cleaners or purifiers. First, they are stationary, so finding an ideal location for them is key. Typically the lighting is placed in ductwork and over the evaporator coils to pinpoint areas of your system that can be prone to biological growth. Second, UV lights do not attract particles like air filters or electronic precipitators; for cells to be affected, they have to pass directly under the light. For these reasons, it is highly recommended that you pair UV germicidal lighting with another indoor air quality product for the most effective use and improvement of your indoor air.

UV germicidal lighting is one of the most effective products when it comes to removing biological contaminants from your home. If you are interested to see what they can do for your property in St. Augustine, FL, call us today!

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