Climate Masters Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Do I Need a New Air Conditioner for This Summer?

Monday, March 20th, 2017

The days are starting to warm up again, and soon you’re going to start relying on your air conditioner much of the time to keep cool. Before you put it under that level of strain, though, it’s a good idea to make sure that the system can handle it. If not, then you should consider replacing it as soon as possible. You don’t want to have it fail on you in the middle of summer. There are certain ways to tell if your air conditioner is close to permanently breaking down.

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Now is the Time for Air Conditioning Maintenance

Monday, March 6th, 2017

Florida has always had more temperate winters in terms of temperature, and the days will be boiling hot again before you know it. Before the summer rolls around again, you need to make sure that your air conditioner is ready for the extra strain. The best way to do that is to schedule preventive maintenance for it.

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What to do if Your HVAC Unit has Been Submerged in Sea Water

Monday, December 26th, 2016

It’s been a couple of months since Hurricane Matthew ripped through the area, and most of us are still trying to repair the damage. You’ve probably got a million other things to deal with right now, but it’s important not to forget your HVAC systems. A lot of homes were flooded during the storm, which means plenty of HVAC systems were damaged, as well. If your heater or air conditioner was submerged in salt water during the hurricane, read on to find out what to do about it.

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Why is My AC Breaking Down so Often?

Monday, September 26th, 2016

All air conditioners need repairs every once in a while. However, for most of the air conditioner’s life those repairs should be pretty few and far between. If your air conditioner is breaking down multiple times a year, it could be an indication of a more serious problem that needs to be dealt with. Let’s take a look at why your air conditioner might be breaking down so often.

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How Short Cycling Harms Your Air Conditioner

Monday, August 22nd, 2016

As summer wears on, you should be on watch for any problems that your air conditioner might run into. One of these problems is short cycling. If it isn’t taken care of quickly, short cycling can completely destroy your air conditioner years before it is supposed to be replaced. Let’s take a look at why short cycling happens, and what it can do to your air conditioner.

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When More Refrigerant is Required

Monday, August 15th, 2016

We often have homeowners ask us if they need to add more refrigerant to their air conditioning systems. While it’s true that there are times when more refrigerant is required for your air conditioning system, those times are few and far between. Let’s take a look at how your air conditioner uses refrigerant, and when it needs more added to it.

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3 Ways to Keep the Entire Family Cool this Summer

Monday, July 4th, 2016

It’s hot and humid outside and all you hear is complaints. Has the air conditioner broken down? Is it still working but barely? Is it cool but also clammy inside? There is plenty that can go wrong with your AC, and it’s frustrating when you’re in charge of making sure it works correctly.

Your air conditioning system in St. Johns, FL may be working as hard as it can, but sometimes it’s not enough. If your family needs to cool down this July, here are some tried-and-true ways: 

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How to Get Rid of High Humidity

Monday, June 27th, 2016

We all understand how the high temperatures during our summer here in St Augustine affect our day-to-day. But how many of us keep a hygrometer handy? Or know exactly what level of relative humidity is ideal for their home? High levels of moisture in the air can mean that your home’s indoor air feels clammy, and that your skin feels sticky despite the fact that your thermostat reads 68 degrees. Here are some ways to cut down on the level of water vapor in your household:

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Improve Your Air Conditioner This Summer With Zone Control

Monday, June 13th, 2016

If you’re using a central air conditioning system to stay cool this summer, there are a couple things you should know. One of the biggest disadvantages of central air conditioning is energy inefficiency. If you use a central air conditioner without any modifications, your home will be less energy efficient and more uncomfortable. Fortunately, there is a way to fix that. Read on to find out more about zone control, and how it can benefit you this summer.

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Do I Need a Separate Dehumidifier if I Have an Air Conditioner?

Monday, May 30th, 2016

It’s a little-known fact that air conditioning systems have a bit of a dehumidifying effect, which is great for the humid climate of Florida. As part of the cooling function, air conditioners drop the temperature of the air around the evaporator coil below the dew point. This causes the moisture in the air to condense on the coil before being drained out of the system. So, some homeowners think that they don’t need a separate dehumidifier in order to maintain a comfortable indoor climate. This is not the case. Read on to find out why a dehumidifier is still a good idea, even if you have an air conditioner already.

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