Climate Masters Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Replacing Your Air Conditioning Filter

Wednesday, July 31st, 2013

You’re likely running your air conditioning system a lot right now in order to stay comfortable in the summer heat. There are a number of different components of your AC that need to be regularly maintained in order for you to get efficient and consistent cooling. One of the most important is the air filter. Here at Climate Masters, we are dedicated to the comfort of our customers and we wanted to put together a quick description of why you should change your air filter on a regular basis. Give us a call if you need any kind of St Augustine air conditioning services like repair, maintenance or installation.

Why Change the Air Filter Regularly

The air that your air conditioner pulls in from the outside can have a number of different contaminants in it like dust, pollen, insect parts and many others. Without a filter, those pollutants could get caught in the fan motor, the fan blade or the evaporator coils and cause big problems for the AC. That’s why your air conditioner has an air filter in it that protects the moving parts from large particulate matter.

If this air filter doesn’t get changed on a regular basis it can cause huge problems for your air conditioning system.

  • Reduced comfort – When you have a clogged air filter it will reduce the amount of air that your AC can pull in, cool and then push into your home. This will reduce the amount of cooling that you get and, thus, the comfort of your home.
  • Reduced efficiency – Another issue that will likely arise from a clogged air filter is reduced efficiency. Your air conditioner will have to work much harder in order to pull in the air which will put more strain on the motor and reduce its efficiency.
  • Increased repair – When your air conditioning system has to work harder to pull in in outside air it will experience more wear and tear. This can cause the system to break down faster and require more repair.

If you need any kind of St Augustine air conditioning repair, installation or maintenance just call the specialists at Climate Masters. We can help you with any type of services that you might need.

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Things to Look For When Buying an AC

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

Choosing an air conditioning system for installation in your St. Augustine, FL home is not a decision to be taken lightly. You are really going to need to count on that air conditioner to provide you with an effective, efficient performance. When making a decision this important, it is always a good idea to discuss your options with a qualified professional. That is why you should contact the St. Augustine, FL air conditioning installation technicians at Climate Masters Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. when deciding which AC is right for your home. Here are a few items to consider during the process.

First of all, you must think about how you want your air conditioning system to distribute cooled air throughout your home. If you have existing ductwork, you may want to stick with a ducted air conditioning system. If you are scheduling your first air conditioning installation, though, you may want to consider a ductless AC system. There are a few different benefits that going ductless has to offer. To begin with, air ducts are frequently the source of serious energy loss issues in many homes. When properly installed and maintained they can be quite effective. If they are not installed properly, though, or if their condition is compromised, you can have a serious problem on your hands.

You should also try to invest in the air conditioning system that is the most efficient you can afford on your budget. Generally speaking, the more efficient an air conditioning system is the more expensive it will be to purchase. Over time, though, the energy savings that you’ll enjoy with a more efficient system can help to offset that initial cost. Air conditioning efficiency levels a rated with a SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio). If you have any questions about the efficiency of an air conditioning system you are interested in, do not hesitate to ask.

For more information about how you can ensure that you invest in the right air conditioning system for your home, call Climate Masters today. Our professional St. Augustine, FL air conditioning installation technicians have the answers to all your questions.

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Tips for Efficient Air Conditioning

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

Living in St. Augustine means that you must have a high-quality air conditioning system in your home. There is simply no other way to make it through the long, hot summer comfortably. In order to cool your home in a way that is actually affordable, though, you may need to boost the efficiency with which you do so. This does not mean, though, that you must invest a new, high-efficiency air conditioning system. Here are a few tips to help you increase energy efficiency in your home this summer, without sacrificing your comfort. Contact Climate Masters Heating & Air Conditioning today to learn more.

Some of the simplest ways of boosting energy efficiency during the cooling season are also some of the simplest. For starters, just drop by your local hardware store and purchase some weather stripping material and shrink wrapping. You can install the weather stripping in your door frames to help prevent heat from sneaking in through the gap between the frame and the door. Use the shrink wrapping to seal up your windows for the same reason. When it comes to cooling your home more efficiently, keeping the heat outside is about as simple as it gets. To really seal in the cool air, put a beading of caulk around stationary windows as well.

Also, remember to use your ceiling fans in conjunction with your air conditioning system. While fans do not cool air the way that an air conditioner does, they do help to circulate air throughout your home. By distributing cooled air more effectively and evenly, you can increase comfort in your home while raising the temperature a bit at the thermostat as well. Operating fans, after all, requires much less energy than running your AC.

Finally, never underestimate the importance of scheduling routine St. Augustine, FL air conditioning maintenance service. Your air conditioner is going to get a lot of use this summer. Make sure that each and every component in that system is able to pull its own weight. The smoother the operation of your air conditioning system, the less energy it is going to take to cool your home.

For more information about how you can cool your home with greater efficiency, contact the St. Augustine air conditioning pros at Climate Masters. We are happy to help you enjoy greater comfort while reducing the amount you pay to do so. Call today to get started.

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What to Do if Your Air Conditioning System Breaks Down

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

Living in St. Augustine, a broken down air conditioning system is much more than a simple inconvenience. A busted AC can have a serious negative impact on the quality of life in your home, especially during the hottest days of the year. No matter how great your air conditioning system, though, and no matter how meticulously maintained it may be, there is always the chance that you will experience some trouble with its operation. Luckily for you, the St. Augustine, FL air conditioning experts at Climate Masters Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. are always just a phone call away.

Before you do anything, it is always a good idea to quickly inspect some general components of your air conditioning system to ensure that there is not a simple explanation as to why it broke down. Never neglect the possibility of simple human error. Double check your thermostat to ensure that it is set to ‘cool’. If it has accidentally been switched over to the heating setting, your problem does not really require the services of a professional air conditioning repair technician.

You should also check out your electrical breaker box. It is possible that the circuit on which your air conditioning system operates has tripped a fuse. In this case you simply need to reset that breaker. Remember also to ensure that your air conditioning system is actually plugged into a power source and that the power line has not simply disconnected.

Never attempt to make any repairs to your air conditioning system on your own. Even if you think you know what the problem is, you must schedule your St. Augustine, FL air conditioning repair service with a qualified professional. Close your windows to trap in any cool air, and pull your shades to prevent heat from radiating in. Use any fans and ceiling fans that you may have while you sit tight and wait for your repair technician to arrive.

For more information about how to handle a broken down air conditioning system, call Climate Masters today. We can help you get the reliable air conditioning performance you need this cooling season. Contact us to schedule any professional St. Augustine, FL air conditioning services you may need.

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Signs that You Need Professional Air Conditioning Repair

Friday, June 21st, 2013

No air conditioning system is going to operate problem free indefinitely. When you find that you need to schedule professional St. Augustine, FL air conditioning repair service, it is always best to do so as soon as you discover a problem. Of course, not all problems with your air conditioning system will be immediately obvious. That is why it is so important that you are able to identify some general warning signs that AC repair service may be necessary. Here are a few tips from the St. Augustine, FL air conditioning repair technicians at Climate Masters Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. to help you do just that.

While a broken down air conditioning system is a pretty clear indicator that it is time for you to schedule professional St. Augustine, FL air conditioning repair service, there are many instances in which the warning signs are a bit more subtle. You need to keep in mind that just because your air conditioning system is operating does not mean that it is doing so in the most efficient, effective way possible. Catching minor and developing issues before they lead to a breakdown is a great way to protect the condition of your AC.

If hot spots develop throughout your home, or you notice any other issues with uneven heating, contact us right away. Your air ducts may be compromised, meaning that you are likely paying more money for a weaker performance from your air conditioner. It is also a good idea to keep an eye on your utility costs. Increases in the amount you pay to cool your home may indicate an underlying problem causing this inefficiency. Finally, remember that no problem with your air conditioning system is too minor justify professional air conditioning repair service. Most problems start off small, but they will grow and worsen if given the chance. Even strange sounds and odors during operation may indicate a need for air conditioning repair.

For more information about identifying a need for air conditioning repair service in your home, call Climate Masters today. We can help you determine if your air conditioner is in good working condition. Contact our St. Augustine, FL air conditioning repair technicians at the first sign of trouble.

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Getting Your Air Conditioning System Ready for Summer

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

Summertime in St. Augustine, FL is very long and often extremely hot. You cannot expect to simply flip your air conditioning system on when the heat sets in and get a great performance from it. Make sure that your air conditioning system is ready to handle the demand that you will place on it in the coming months. Contact the St. Augustine, FL air conditioning professionals at Climate Masters Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. today to schedule service. We will ensure that your air conditioning system is able to handle the task that lies ahead. Here are a few tips to help you get your AC summer ready.

Before doing anything else, go outside and give your outdoor air conditioning unit a quick visual inspection. During the offseason, it is possible that tree branches, leaves and other debris may have built up around your air conditioning unit. If these items are impeding airflow to the unit or are obstructing the rotation of the fan within the unit, they can have a very detrimental effect on the operation of your air conditioning system.

Also, remember to check the power line and supply to your air conditioner. Especially outdoors, these lines may fray or be otherwise damaged. If you notice any compromises in the integrity of your air conditioning power lines, contact a professional air conditioning repair technician immediately. This is the best way to ensure the safe, reliable operation of your AC.

Don’t forget to make sure that your air registers and returns inside your home are free of obstruction. If any furniture or other items have shifted and blocked of these vents, your air conditioning system will fail to cool your home efficiently and evenly. An AC operates a lot better when it doesn’t have to force air through a futon or bureau.

Finally, the most important step that you can take to get your air conditioning system ready for summer is to schedule professional St. Augustine, FL air conditioning maintenance service. Routine maintenance ensures that your air conditioning system is operating at peak efficiency and performance levels. Call Climate Masters today to get started. Our air conditioning maintenance technicians can help you beat the heat this cooling season.

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