Climate Masters Blog

How Can I Use My Air Conditioner More Efficiently?

August 1st, 2022

outside-ac-unit-sitting-on-top-of-moneyDo you like saving money? How about when it’s effortless?

Then you’ll love these tips for boosting the efficiency of your AC unit from our expert AC service in St. Augustine, FL. All you have to do is incorporate these habits into your routine and you’ll enjoy a decline in your energy bill. Check out how easy it is!

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5 AC Sounds That Are OKAY To Hear

July 18th, 2022

two-technicians-working-on-air-conditionerMost people assume that if their AC unit is making noise, it’s probably a bad thing. The number of blogs you’ll read that warn about strange AC sounds doesn’t help put your mind at ease either.

But don’t get too upset yet! AC units are not silent — they make a certain amount of noise as part of their normal operation. Let’s put your worries to rest and discuss the sounds that are OK for your AC unit to be making. 

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Why Does Sizing Make a Difference in AC Installation?

July 4th, 2022

technician-working-on-ac-unitIf you’re shopping for a new air conditioner this time of the year, it probably means you’re pretty desperate for comfort, fast. While we understand this sense of urgency, it’s important that for a purchase such as this, you don’t rush. Doing so could leave you with an air conditioner that’s not properly matched for your specific home and needs, and therefore does not operate efficiently as it is meant to.

Not only do you want to ensure you have the right type of cooling system in your home, but this air conditioner is the right size for your home. Rather, we want to ensure that your air conditioner has the right level of power to keep you comfortable, but to do so efficiently and effectively.

Read on as we uncover why proper sizing is so important when it comes to AC installation. And when you’re ready to explore your AC installation options, please don’t hesitate to give us a call!

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Signs That Your Cooling System Is Struggling

June 20th, 2022

air-conditioner-with-tools-on-topDo you want your AC to take care of you this summer? You’ve got to take care of your AC!

However, the signs that your cooling system is struggling and need that care aren’t always obvious. You have to know what to keep an eye out for. Check out some of the most common signs here so you’re prepared to take care of your AC this summer.

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“How Often Does My AC Need Maintenance?”

June 6th, 2022

hand-writing-in-calendarWith summer right around the corner, you might be asking yourself, “How often do I need my AC serviced?” Now’s the time!. While it might be tempting to wait until it’s hot outside, spring is really the best time to schedule AC maintenance. 

But in addition to when, you also need to know how often. In general, standard air conditioners require yearly maintenance whereas a heat pump that’s used all year long typically requires maintenance every six months. 

At Climate Masters, we believe that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. For this reason, we also know why scheduling St. Augustine air conditioning service in the spring is so important. 

In this post, we’ll go over why spring is the best time to schedule AC maintenance and how it can offer benefits all year long. 

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5 Sounds You Don’t Want Your AC Making

May 23rd, 2022

woman-holding-hand-to-ear-to-listenThe sound of your AC kicking on is one of the sweetest sounds in the world… unless you hear one of the noises we’re about to mention below.

There are many reasons why your AC might start making strange noises, but all of them point to the need for a technician. Having a professional take a look at your AC can get to the root of the problem quickly, without costing you more time, money, or comfort than it needs to.  

At Climate Masters, we always encourage homeowners to schedule a springtime tune-up to make sure their AC is in top shape for summer. If you have already started to run your air conditioner and notice any of these sounds, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Let’s take a closer look at sounds you never want to hear from your AC and what they might mean.

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What Actually Happens During AC Maintenance?

May 9th, 2022

two-technicians-working-on-outside-ac-unitYou’ve likely read how important AC maintenance is, but do you actually know why? Because it’s such a technical job, most people leave it to the professionals and never ask for details. But understanding AC maintenance, what it does, and how it works, can actually help you take better care of your system.

Maintenance is one of the most in-demand and much-needed services for anyone who has an air conditioner, especially here in Florida. 

At Climate Masters, we offer AC maintenance whenever you need it, and we always encourage our customers to book their next maintenance call early to keep their system running smoothly.

In this post, we want to fill you in on what really happens when you schedule AC maintenance and why it’s so important.

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Don’t Believe This Refrigerant Myth

April 25th, 2022

refrigerant-lineWhen your air conditioner stops cooling your home efficiently, you might suspect it’s run out of refrigerant. This chemical substance is responsible for cooling heat from warm air before it’s sent into your home. 

But it turns out that most people’s idea of refrigerant isn’t actually true! The biggest myth about refrigerant is that it “runs out” from normal use. 

Air conditioning systems are manufactured with enough refrigerant to last their entire lifespan. That can be up to 10 or 15 years! 

So, if you suspect that refrigerant has vanished from your unit, chances are you’re dealing with something else instead: a leak.

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How a Professional Installs an Air Conditioner

April 11th, 2022

technician-smiling-and-talking-to-woman-by-ac-outdoor-unitYou likely know that a professional is the best person to trust when it comes to your air conditioner installation. But what really sets a professional apart from a handyman or even a DIY job? 

Professionals are HVAC specialists, and they’ve spent years learning how to install and optimize all types of air conditioning for homes and businesses. 

There is an understandable pressure to get an AC installation ASAP, which is why we pride ourselves on offering quick and reliable service to our customers.

DIY may seem like an affordable option, but it comes with major risks to your personal safety and home that aren’t worth taking.

Knowing what a professional AC installation entails helps you guarantee quality when you hire a company. It also provides a greater understanding of the skills and expertise needed to get the job done right. 

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Why Size Matters With Your Air Conditioner

March 28th, 2022

outside-ac-unitWhen it comes to your home’s air conditioner, size plays a bigger role than you may realize. 

Air conditioning units must be properly sized to fit the space they’re designed to cool. If they’re too big, you will pay more money for average performance. Too small and they fail to effectively control your home’s temperature. 

So, what do you need to get your AC size just right? It’s a matter of understanding air conditioner loads. Our professionals in St. Augustine, FL, are able to perform expert calculations to ensure every client’s AC is the perfect size for their property. 

Before you give us a call, though, let’s explore the importance of size and how it affects your air conditioner. 

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