Heating season will be here before you know it. Before it gets here, though, it’s important to make sure that your heating system can handle the added strain. If your furnace can’t get you through another heating season, you should replace it now before it breaks down on you. You don’t want to be left without a heating system in the middle of a cold month, right? Let’s take a look at some of the signs that you need to replace your furnace.
Heating bills rise and fall with how much you use the system, of course. As a furnace gets older, though, it starts to wear down. This wear and tear contributes to a steady decline in the system’s efficiency, which forces it to stay on for longer and longer periods of time to compensate. This longer operating time results in higher bills. If your heating bills have been rising for no apparent reason over the last year or two, it may be time for a new system.
Repairs Go Up
You’re going to have to deal with the occasional repair need with your furnace, regardless of its age. Sometimes, things happen and parts break down. The older a furnace is, though, the more likely it will be to develop issues. Near the end of its life, the wear and tear on the system will be so great that parts will start to fail in groups. If you need to repair your furnace multiple times a year, you really need to replace it.
Once a furnace gets older than 15-20 years, it will start to develop a wide range of problems like those listed above. It is generally more cost effective to just replace the system than to repair it at that point. If your furnace is that old, talk to a professional about getting a new one.
Climate Masters offers furnace services throughout St. Augustine, FL.